Dominion ... League of Legends new map type. Its well interesting. It is not exactly what I expected. I got some good exposure to it during its limited beta and some playing after it went live. This mode definitely helps promote teamwork a lot. So much that it seems to be impossible to carry bad people with 1 or 2 really good players. The fact that everyone needs to be on a similar skill level for a really challenging match makes well solo queue leaving something to be desired.
I notice a lot of people looking to fight champions when we have 2 or less points captured. I think that is my #1 reason for loosing a match. People who do that non-stop. Taking the points from under them then killing their champions is a much better idea. In fact we get next to nothing for killing the champions with out 3 points anyways. Also it usually just ends up with my teams bottom 2 or 3 players feeding like no tomorrow. Which doesn't help our cause at all.
Summoners Rift can be pretty one sided. But then again you can actually carry it with one or two good people as the others just defend the towers. In dominion that can't happen anymore. Also I am pretty much let down with how good casters are in dominion. A few excel ( aka kassadin) but most really don't cut it. The maps really small and there is very little space to move around in. It's not ideal at all for a caster. If you get jumped by talon or akali that's pretty much it. Its over. Plus the expensive AD items are so much easier to acquire. That early game advantage as AP doesn't matter in dominion. Also some of the key good items for casters are essentially useless now: rod of ages and archangels staff. They also didn't even add any new AP caster items. Physical and auto-attack champs got some new goodies. Tanks did too. Casters got nothing. Honestly doesn't surprise me though. A lot of the new champs have been ad or tanks or tank dps. Seems like a lot of the AP mage players have been forgotten.
All in all dominion isn't all bad. With a few friends queuing up, a lot of the problems go away. Except for the AP thing. It is quite competitive with the right team vs the right team. Its never over until the end too. Its not like you know you'll loose at 10 min in or whatever like you could guess on summoners rift. You can pull victory out from under a cocky enemy team. I really like that.
Also tanks are really over powered on dominion. That is all.
A blog about gaming, Online and offline. I love competition based games like League of Legends. Expect mostly MMORPGs and PVP based game posts. But I will also blog about single player games.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Where have all the good junglers gone? - A LoL Post
In league of legends I've been noticing a definite trend of poor junglers. Its a shame really. Everyone sees the jungle role as an important part of a team, which arguably it is. It takes more than just a character who can be self sustained vs the creeps in those woods. Its not just PVE till team fight time either. A bad jungle can cause everyone the game. Its happened to my own matches a TON. The part that bugs me the most is the people who aren't fulfilling their role seem to act like everyone's' short comings are due to: everyone else is bad. Sometimes this is true. But a lot of the time its not that. This game is team based. (Duh) If you can't work together than your bound to fail. So what does a jungle need to do?
Well they need to first of all: be able to not die in the jungle and kill creeps quickly and level fast. The less time it takes to hit lv 4 or so the quicker you can fulfill your next role.
GANKING! This is where most people fall short. Sure you can kill the golems and lizards and all the wolves you want but that wont win you the game. As a jungler you should be using your freedom as a way to cause fear. Imbalance lanes. Take out towers. You know you can't win a match with out taking down a tower.
I have seen so many junglers just wait till lv 7 and then join the team fights after we were already at a disadvantage due to early game. That jungler could of jumped at bot and got a double kill. Maybe he could of raided top lane and took out a tower with the solo laner. Gank on mid lane is always appreciated too. However choosing to do none of these isn't a good idea. Usually I keep moving around. At lv 4 i make my self a threat. Constantly trying to gank or get into the enemies faces. The more I can move around the better.
A big part of this is to help when helps needed. Your best bet may not be to always gank bot or mid. Always look for over extended enemies or team mates trying to make a push. Assistance around that is always good.
Try to mix things up. If you keep doing the same thing over and over then you may run out of chances to get kills. Ultimately wasting you and your teams time. The enemies aren't dumb (usually) and can pick up on your behavior if its basic enough. Hopefully people are warding. If low Elo they probably aren't but you can never be sure. Regardless being random or showing up and wreaking havoc then fleeing into the shadows is always good. Keep the enemies on their toes. Make them uncomfortable. They'll waste gold on excessive wards or potions. Any gold they can spend on trying to avoid you is better than them building that Infinity edge or rod of ages. Psychology is one hell of a weapon in this game.
So what makes a good jungle champion? If you need to kill minions then a lot of people can do that. But effective ganker champions are a bit different. Personally I look for guys who can close the gap (warwick), CC enemy champs for easy kills (olaf comes to mind here with the axe throw. Very nice move), or people with good escape skills. Things that hinder enemies from getting away are good qualities to look for in your champion selection. Currently (September 2011) I am loving olaf for the jungle role. He can escape (ultimate = non-cc able), slow guys down (axe throw), regen health with damage boost (w), and do a nice chunk of true damage (e). He doesn't need a lot of AD so you can build slowing items like a frozen mallet and get some health too. Armor pen is really nice on him and his ultimate gives passive armor pen too. He can shred people up easy due to that. Olaf is my current choice for when i go jungle.
I hope this helps some people up their game in the jungle. If anyone has tips or ideas just toss me an email or put it on the comments. Always welcome to new ideas too.
Well they need to first of all: be able to not die in the jungle and kill creeps quickly and level fast. The less time it takes to hit lv 4 or so the quicker you can fulfill your next role.
GANKING! This is where most people fall short. Sure you can kill the golems and lizards and all the wolves you want but that wont win you the game. As a jungler you should be using your freedom as a way to cause fear. Imbalance lanes. Take out towers. You know you can't win a match with out taking down a tower.
I have seen so many junglers just wait till lv 7 and then join the team fights after we were already at a disadvantage due to early game. That jungler could of jumped at bot and got a double kill. Maybe he could of raided top lane and took out a tower with the solo laner. Gank on mid lane is always appreciated too. However choosing to do none of these isn't a good idea. Usually I keep moving around. At lv 4 i make my self a threat. Constantly trying to gank or get into the enemies faces. The more I can move around the better.
A big part of this is to help when helps needed. Your best bet may not be to always gank bot or mid. Always look for over extended enemies or team mates trying to make a push. Assistance around that is always good.
Try to mix things up. If you keep doing the same thing over and over then you may run out of chances to get kills. Ultimately wasting you and your teams time. The enemies aren't dumb (usually) and can pick up on your behavior if its basic enough. Hopefully people are warding. If low Elo they probably aren't but you can never be sure. Regardless being random or showing up and wreaking havoc then fleeing into the shadows is always good. Keep the enemies on their toes. Make them uncomfortable. They'll waste gold on excessive wards or potions. Any gold they can spend on trying to avoid you is better than them building that Infinity edge or rod of ages. Psychology is one hell of a weapon in this game.
So what makes a good jungle champion? If you need to kill minions then a lot of people can do that. But effective ganker champions are a bit different. Personally I look for guys who can close the gap (warwick), CC enemy champs for easy kills (olaf comes to mind here with the axe throw. Very nice move), or people with good escape skills. Things that hinder enemies from getting away are good qualities to look for in your champion selection. Currently (September 2011) I am loving olaf for the jungle role. He can escape (ultimate = non-cc able), slow guys down (axe throw), regen health with damage boost (w), and do a nice chunk of true damage (e). He doesn't need a lot of AD so you can build slowing items like a frozen mallet and get some health too. Armor pen is really nice on him and his ultimate gives passive armor pen too. He can shred people up easy due to that. Olaf is my current choice for when i go jungle.
I hope this helps some people up their game in the jungle. If anyone has tips or ideas just toss me an email or put it on the comments. Always welcome to new ideas too.
jungle. olaf,
Friday, September 16, 2011
Malphite rocks hard - A LoL Post
I've been playing league since beta. Open beta that is. Season 2 has just begun. I figured I will do a little writing about it. I have been playing a ton of Malphite. He rocks, all puns aside. Very powerful character. I can solo lane top or mid and dominate. Slowly whittling people away as I regen through their pitiful damage. I use a pretty specific rune page too with him. I figure I'll write a little guide about how I play my tank Malphite.
Runes, lets start here. I use a majority of magic resistance per level. 52 by 18. Its not a ton but its way more than enough. I also use 8.1 hp regen flat runes. Quints and yellows mainly become those. That regen helps a TON. With out it I wouldn't be able to pull off the stuff I do.
My first skill is E. Followed by W. Then E followed by Q.Then I focus on maxing E. Basically R>E>W>Q Its real simple.
Items: Well I know my first item is always a sunfire cape. Its great on malphite. Armor? Check. Health? Check. AoE fire bonus is just icing on the cake. With E and W and a sunfire you become a farming god. Aoe passive melee cleave is really nice with a sunfire. After that well I get boots. Usually merc treds seals the deal with my MR runes. Alternatively I get move speed 3 boots because it helps chase and get into that fight. Now I usually build a warmogs here. The hp and regen is really nice. But depending on what happens I may just get a thorn mail or a force of nature. Usually its the warmogs. By this point (15 min) those AD carrys aren't too much of a problem due to the slow caked by your E. Following the warmogs comes a thornmail or force of nature. I decide this by: do they have a trynd or other heavy AD guy? If no then force of nature. Force of nature after a warmogs really helps boost your survival. Even if you dont need the MR you get major regen and bonus regen based on how much hp you have. As well as move speed which is always welcome on my tanks. Then now you can play around with items. Thornmails are still good but you may want to look at a Randuin's Omen. Its really nice. Hp, Armor, Regen, CDR, passive attack slow, and even an active slow. Go stack that on with your E.
Usually you should of won by now. Other wise go for whatever else. HP is always welcome. Warmogs are always awesome. Alternatively look towards mana and hp items because he has really bad mana. Like trin force, rod of ages or even banshees. Banshees would be nice if they have brand or heavy AP team. Even with mercs, fon, and the runes you can still make the casters cry more. Trin force is just all around nice for its bonuses. You may not use all of them but extra punching power never hurts. As well as move speed and mana.
How to play him solo. Hmm, well thats easy. Walk up and E then step back. Harass with his E and farm minions too. Your focus is to farm more than the enemies are. The faster you get that sunfire = the better. Harass with E. Use W to farm harder or mitigate damage. Q to harass guys and keep them at bay. You would be suprised how fast the enemies run when you smack them in the face with a 80 damage piece of mud. Even if it doesn't do much they will wig out and run away. Eventually (usually around lv 5 or 6) that E will hurt a lot. You may of whittled them down low enough to get a kill or two. I usually hang near the tower and harass. At lv 6 you probably can get an easy kill with R, W, E, and then Q and/or ignite. After you destroy some people and get some items the game becomes much easier. Just run in and E or R then E.
Summoner spells are real easy. You shouldn't be spamming spells all day and should be playing fairly passively at first. So things like heal and clarity are laughable. I just use ignite and teleport. People may argue the use of teleport but it allows me to get a lot of farm. You could run with whatever else you want but I love ignite. I wouldn't go with out it. Easy lv 6 kills happen because of it. But I guess you can use whatever else. Flash and ghost aren't bad. Depending on how you use them.
Malphite takes a little finesse and practice at first. Hes pretty unique but really powerful. Early game farm is really big on him for early game domination. Also avoid taking early lane damage obviously, when applicable. He is strong and can take a beating though. But even he has his limits.
I hope this helps some people figure him out. Good luck everyone.
Runes, lets start here. I use a majority of magic resistance per level. 52 by 18. Its not a ton but its way more than enough. I also use 8.1 hp regen flat runes. Quints and yellows mainly become those. That regen helps a TON. With out it I wouldn't be able to pull off the stuff I do.
My first skill is E. Followed by W. Then E followed by Q.Then I focus on maxing E. Basically R>E>W>Q Its real simple.
Items: Well I know my first item is always a sunfire cape. Its great on malphite. Armor? Check. Health? Check. AoE fire bonus is just icing on the cake. With E and W and a sunfire you become a farming god. Aoe passive melee cleave is really nice with a sunfire. After that well I get boots. Usually merc treds seals the deal with my MR runes. Alternatively I get move speed 3 boots because it helps chase and get into that fight. Now I usually build a warmogs here. The hp and regen is really nice. But depending on what happens I may just get a thorn mail or a force of nature. Usually its the warmogs. By this point (15 min) those AD carrys aren't too much of a problem due to the slow caked by your E. Following the warmogs comes a thornmail or force of nature. I decide this by: do they have a trynd or other heavy AD guy? If no then force of nature. Force of nature after a warmogs really helps boost your survival. Even if you dont need the MR you get major regen and bonus regen based on how much hp you have. As well as move speed which is always welcome on my tanks. Then now you can play around with items. Thornmails are still good but you may want to look at a Randuin's Omen. Its really nice. Hp, Armor, Regen, CDR, passive attack slow, and even an active slow. Go stack that on with your E.
Usually you should of won by now. Other wise go for whatever else. HP is always welcome. Warmogs are always awesome. Alternatively look towards mana and hp items because he has really bad mana. Like trin force, rod of ages or even banshees. Banshees would be nice if they have brand or heavy AP team. Even with mercs, fon, and the runes you can still make the casters cry more. Trin force is just all around nice for its bonuses. You may not use all of them but extra punching power never hurts. As well as move speed and mana.
How to play him solo. Hmm, well thats easy. Walk up and E then step back. Harass with his E and farm minions too. Your focus is to farm more than the enemies are. The faster you get that sunfire = the better. Harass with E. Use W to farm harder or mitigate damage. Q to harass guys and keep them at bay. You would be suprised how fast the enemies run when you smack them in the face with a 80 damage piece of mud. Even if it doesn't do much they will wig out and run away. Eventually (usually around lv 5 or 6) that E will hurt a lot. You may of whittled them down low enough to get a kill or two. I usually hang near the tower and harass. At lv 6 you probably can get an easy kill with R, W, E, and then Q and/or ignite. After you destroy some people and get some items the game becomes much easier. Just run in and E or R then E.
Summoner spells are real easy. You shouldn't be spamming spells all day and should be playing fairly passively at first. So things like heal and clarity are laughable. I just use ignite and teleport. People may argue the use of teleport but it allows me to get a lot of farm. You could run with whatever else you want but I love ignite. I wouldn't go with out it. Easy lv 6 kills happen because of it. But I guess you can use whatever else. Flash and ghost aren't bad. Depending on how you use them.
Malphite takes a little finesse and practice at first. Hes pretty unique but really powerful. Early game farm is really big on him for early game domination. Also avoid taking early lane damage obviously, when applicable. He is strong and can take a beating though. But even he has his limits.
I hope this helps some people figure him out. Good luck everyone.
First post of my new blog
Well I made a new blog. But why? Well I realized with some people they want only the gaming stuff or tech stuff. A lot of my family reads my main blog however they don't really understand the whole video game thing. Which limits me a bit. If I write about mostly games then they'll ask me about when ill write something else. But you know I like my games. I do a lot with them. So I want to write more about them. That is where this blog comes into play.
It will be focused around technology and video games. (yay) Anywho if anyone wants to read about my daily life and music and food and whatever else, head on over to: my other blog
It will be focused around technology and video games. (yay) Anywho if anyone wants to read about my daily life and music and food and whatever else, head on over to: my other blog
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